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It started as a dream back in 2017: build and inspire a community of leaders and organizations prepared and enthusiastic about a future where exponential technologies solve humanity’s biggest problems. And with this common dream, a group of completely different yet completely aligned and committed organizations joined forces to build SingularityU Portugal.

We’re exposing more and more people to a network of leaders and breakthrough content that have the power to impact the way we live and work, while broadcasting back to the world leading edge Portuguese research and innovation breakthroughs. Join us and be apart of this ecosystem of people and organizations who are walking the talk. Get to know our programs, events and other SU Portugal news

Feel the urgency to innovate? Struggling on the “how”? Have a mind-blowing experience at the SingularityU Portugal Executive Program, a program designed for corporations, entrepreneurs, development organizations, governments, investors and academic institutions who feel the same. Our world-class faculty will give an unique perspective, the tools and resources to help you achieve the mindset for transformational journey into the future.

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