- Carrd Supply | Carrd Templates, Tools, Tutorials, Plugins, Components, Resources and Inspiration

Description: A directory of the best Carrd templates, plugins, tools, tutorials and inspiration to help you build and grow your one page websites and landing pages.

laravel template (10) laravel boilerplate (5) laravel starter kit (4) laravel starter (2)

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SUPPLY.CARRD.CO Home Submit Listing Get Carrd Find the Best Carrd Templates, Plugins and Resources A directory of the best Carrd templates, plugins, components, widgets, tools, tutorials and inspiration to help you build and grow your one page websites and landing pages. Templates Plugins & Tools Resources Featured Userbase - SDK Login Template

A dynamic login system that allows both you and your users to authenticate through Userbase. The forms and buttons are designed using custom embeds to blend seamlessly with Carrd's aesthetic.

Pricing: $50 USD. [Requires Carrd Pro Plus Plan ]

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