- Surf Arab States

Description: Surf Arab States follows political, economic and social developments in the Middle-East

politics (4046) economics (1269) lebanon (1178) uae (1139) middle-east (901) saudi arabia (455) palestine (398) syria (268) yemen (118) arab states (2)

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More than 50 supporters of Mohamed Morsi were shot dead by security forces in Cairo while demonstrating for his reinstatement. The interim president, Adly Mansour, unveiled a timetable for enacting a constitution to be followed by parliamentary and presidential elections early next year. Hazem el-Beblawi was appointed prime minister, while Mohamed El-Baradei was appointed vice-president.

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The Syrian National Coalition, the main opposition group to Bashar Assad’s regime, took Syria’s seat at the Arab League meeting in Qatar. President Assad said the seat had been handed to “bandits and thugs”.