- Survivors of Blue Suicide

Description: Fostering hope by uniting survivors of law enforcement suicide to support one another and honor our fallen heroes. Our organization provides grief support for families and co-workers of law enforcement suicide.

ptsd (1272) sbs (271) suicide prevention (188) suicide support (7) police suicide (2) law enforcement suicide (1) survivors of blue suicide foundation (1) blue suicide (1) officer suicide (1) retired officers suicide (1)

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Columbia Southern University is pleased to have Survivors of Blue Suicide as a Learning Partner. As a member, this partnership provides a reduced tuition, plus many additional benefits. And, for your convenience, all programs are offered in an online format.

The Learning Partner Program provides exclusive benefits to the employees/members of your organization, as well as all spouses and children. Benefits of the partnership include:

All Rights Reserved | Survivors of Blue Suicide Foundation

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