- Home Page - SPECTRA: Identification of Suspected Severe Asthma in Adults

Description: SPECTRA helps you identify & refer your patientsPatients with uncontrolled Asthma may be slipping through the net SPECTRA helps you identify & refer your patientsPatients with uncontrolled Asthma may be slipping through the net SPECTRA Donated Service Programme is funded by AstraZeneca & developed in collaboration with NHS England (NHSE) hosted Accelerated Access

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This is a Donated Service Programme funded by AstraZeneca & developed in collaboration with NHS England & Improvement (NHSE&I) and the Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC)

In the UK, over 8 million people , or approximately 12% of the population , have been diagnosed with asthma . 1

Someone with 'severe asthma' has a specific type of asthma which is difficult to control with optimised inhaled therapy . 2

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