- Sustainable Canterbury | ~ Mauriroa Waitaha ~

Description: ~ Mauriroa Waitaha ~

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Sustainability has many dimensions, as innumerable as humanity itself. Pressure on environment from population growth feeds back, as exponential risk. How we organise to respond, to our own lack of planning, is critical. For communities, each test case and lesson is invaluable, for informing better preparedness – in disaster accumulating all around us, towards global catastrophe like none on record yet, barring the biblical flood.. Earth systems chemistry abhors us now.[0]

All the warnings are already in place. We will, without urgent revision as a social species, probably be gone. Dinosaurs have taught us this. – Are we to become another exclusively archaeological bone type too? An inability to adapt, quickly enough, is proven terminally fatal. An evolutionary ‘recovery speed limit’ is being breached, as we speak, by collective (in)action.[1] #TheMeaningOfSustainability.

The global poor bear the brunt of calamity, and always have done.[2] Wealth grows division, and itself, as top priority.[3]

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