- Support to Sustainable Graduation Project – অপ্রতিরোধ্য অগ্রযাত্রায় বাংলাদেশ

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Under the visionary leadership of the Honourable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh has made remarkable progress in various socio-economic parameters in recent years. In line with that progress, the country met all the criteria for graduating from the Least Developed Country status, for the first time, back in 2018.

Meeting the graduation criteria is certainly one of the biggest milestones in our development journey. Graduation will bring new development paradigm and opportunities. Therefore, to make this achievement sustainable— a range of policies, strategies, and programs have been initiated to prepare for this elevation. As part of this, ERD has undertaken a project titled “Support to Sustainable Graduation Project” to identify the impacts of graduation as well as to promulgate this historic achievement at home and