Description: CL:AIRE is a respected independent not-for-profit organisation established in 1999 to stimulate the regeneration of contaminated land in the UK by raising awareness of, and confidence in, practical and sustainable remediation technologies. Since 1999, CL:AIRE has grown into an organisation that does more than just demonstrate remediation technologies “in real environments”. The early years were very much focussed on land contamination and the processes and techniques in site characterisation, remediation a
remediation (484) contaminated land (22) gpvs (6) cl:aire dow:cop dowcop nqms recon soil eiclar surf uk
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SuRF-UK is the United Kingdom’s Sustainable Remediation Forum – an initiative set up to progress the UK understanding of sustainable remediation and sustainable land management. SuRF-UK is also a member of International Sustainable Remediation Alliance (ISRA) .
If you are interested in the work of SuRF-UK, please contact Nicola Harries ( [email protected] ).