- Projects supported by Switzerland in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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This website is managed by the Embassy of Switzerland in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It aims to increase general knowledge of Swiss supported projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina by mapping them and presenting more information about projects’ goals, activities and impacts on final beneficiaries.

It also showcases Switzerland’s commitment to strengthening social, economic and political inclusion in Bosnia and Herzegovina on its path to the European integration. Switzerland strives to contribute to the further development of a democratic political system and a social market economy, based on accountable public and private actors as well as active and empowered citizens. We use Swiss and BiH’s experience and know-how to develop programs and solutions to benefit both current and future generations.

You can keep abreast of all the latest information about the Swiss supported projects in the Bosnia and Herzegovina on this website and also on our social networks. For more general information about Swiss engagement in Bosnia and Herzegovina visit the Embassy’s Home page.

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