swwan.org - Single Working Womens Week – SWWAN

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Wow. Haven’t written here in a long time. Single Working Women’s Week is upon us again. Have you been treasuring your single women friends? Now’s your chance – Single Working Women’s Week 2023 is in progress! It started Sunday, July 30 and goes through August 5.

Here’s a post I started during last year’s Single Working Women’s Week and, like the memoir/cookbook itself, it feels a bit lost.

“Do you ever find yourself wrestling with some important question in your life – and watch yourself flail around, unable to find the right solution? I have been trying to write my memoir/cookbook for nearly 13 years (stop, start, stop). Have created lots of material, but have not been able to decide how to present it all. I don’t want categories like “Meat” “Vegetables” etc. because that doesn’t honor the memoir/stories. My original working title was “17 Ways to Eat Your Way to Happiness,” so I thought I’d

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