Description: Those Muslims who live in Sydney, Australia and they find a problem related to Sydney prayer times, then have a look at the monthly timetable of prayer (salat).
prayer times (38) sydney prayer time (1) sydney prayer times (1) prayer times sydney (1) sydney islamic prayer times (1)
If you want to about the Sydney prayer times then here you are, we will be letting you know about the Sydney prayer timings so that all the Muslims that have been living in the city of Sydney, they can timely perform their prayers. This prayer (Salat) is the essential pillar of Islam, we pray 5 times a day, Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha. If all the Muslims who are in Sydney, if want to know about the Sydney Islamic prayer timings then they have to set their city latitude and also longitude, conventions th
Below are the details of the time zone and also the details of the latitude and longitude of this city Sydney. With the help of this information, you can well estimate the prayer timings. We have also been putting up the time table for these prayer timings for all the Sydney Muslims, they can also have a look at it:
Standard Time Zone: UTC/GMT +10 hours Daylight Saving Time (DST): +1 hour DST Between: : 2nd October to 3rd April