- SynaptiCAD: Timing diagram software, Verilog simulator and Verilog compiler tools, VHDL/Verilog TestBench Generation

Description: Synapticad offers tools for the thinking mind. We are proud to offer timing diagram editors, testbench creation, and Verilog simulators. Save time and money today.

simulator (529) vhdl (89) verilog (58) timing diagram software (5) verilog simulator (4) timing diagram (1) timing diagrams (1) cerilog compiler (1) digital timing diagram (1) tdml (1)

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Note: SynaptiCAD has limited phone and internet connectivity due to the severe weather events on June 29th. We may be slow responding to emails and license requests until full connectivity is restored.

--> Latest News SynaptiCAD's WaveFormer supports Agilent & Tektronix equipment and Hyperlynx Timing Diagram Editors Simplify FPGA Synthesis VHDL/Verilog Converters upgraded for Verilog 2005 WaveFormer Lite Generates Mixed Signal Test Benches for all FPGA design flows VeriLogger supports encrypted models from Actel, Altera, and Xilinx Timing Diagram Editors offer Editable Analog Equations SynaptiCAD's 64-Bit Verilog Simulator is 30% Faster Graphically generate VHDL, Verilog, & SPICE test benches WaveFormer P

Created to help you simulate and debug your Verilog and VHDL designs, VeriLogger Pro and BugHunter Pro will help any engineer verify their design. Our tools are proven to reduce simulation debug time, and our unique timing diagram interface makes unit level testing a breeze.

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