- SyncDiffusion: Coherent Montage via Synchronized Joint Diffusions

Description: SyncDiffusion synchronizes multiple diffusions to create coherent image montages.

diffusion models (23) syncdiffusion (1) joint diffusion (1)

Example domain paragraphs

SyncDiffusion generates globally coherent panoramas by synchronizing multiple diffusions.

The remarkable capabilities of pretrained image diffusion models have been utilized not only for generating fixed-size images but also for creating panoramas. However, naive stitching of multiple images often results in visible seams. Recent techniques have attempted to address this issue by performing joint diffusions in multiple windows and averaging latent features in overlapping regions. However, these approaches, which focus on seamless montage generation, often yield incoherent outputs by blending dif

LPIPS scores computed across the noisy images at the intermediate step (t = 45 out of 50) of the reverse process (left), the predicted denoised images at the same timestep t (middle), and the final generated images at timestep t = 0 (right). The indistinguishable noisy images yield similar LPIPS scores among them, whereas the predicted denoised images, which closely resemble the final outputs even at the beginning of the denoising process, exhibit LPIPS scores that align with those of the final generated im

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