Description: Official Website of PIANO SYNERGY DUO (Ruslan Sviridov and Irina Khovanskaya). A unique piano duet performing together and solo in one concert. The website includes biographies, CDs, MP3 and Video samples, latest reviews and concert updates. Please, visit often for new content.
classical pianists (6) moscow conservatory (4) московская консерватория (3) piano synergy duo (2) ruslan sviridov (2) irina khovanskaya (2) victor merzhanov (2) виктор мержанов (2) руслан свиридов (1) ирина хованская (1)
UPCOMING RECITAL!!! On Saturday, October 20, 2012 PIANO SYNERGY DUO is giving a recital at Grace Presbyterian Church in Toronto, ON. For more information, click here . more>>
UPDATED!!! Now you can buy our CDs from iTunes worldwide, Amazon USA, Amazon UK, CDBaby, the largest online distributor of independent music, and from InAndOut Records in Austria. It is much easier and more efficient than our own Paypal method. You can also buy separate MP3 tracks if you wish. For more information, click here . more>>
For more information, please click here . more>>