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Example domain paragraphs

The website ' Hylozoics ' is an attempt to present and illustrate information regarding our physical and metaphysical anatomy and associated indications.  The system considered here has been attributed to Pythagoras.  As restored, it was newly added to the Teachings in the last quarter of the 20th century by H.T.Laurency.

Then there is the oldest existing site, which I ended up just calling ' Through ', once the deed was done for good.  It comes to the point where one needs to edit, yet desists, so as not to ruin what may be there.  The home page is table-based, designed with old software and no longer easily amenable to improvement.

The notion of a node of synthesis comes from the 'grand synthesis' graphic in the ' Resources for Survival ' section of that site.  This was unfinished some years ago and left as is.