- Szabolcs Tóth | web developer & IT engineer

Description: I work as web developer and as IT engineer in Hungary. I was thinking maybe I can help you, are you interested?

web (35992) it (17955) modern (7273) engineer (3174) desktop (1210) develop (770) hungary (465) valid (49) toth (23) szabolcs (11)

Example domain paragraphs

A small introduction

As I said before, I work as web developer and IT engineer since 2010, but my interest for these two topics started far earlier. If somebody just come to me and ask about it, I couldn't say how long I try to get more and more experience. I always look forward to extend my knowledge and learn new things (human nature). This is really important to me because in this fast-paced world the web technology and the IT area are developing very fast. My enthusiasm and my desire for improving are what motivate me durin

I always try to use the latest technologies and softwares to get the work done.