taccnc.org - Taccnc | TACCNC

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Dear TACCNC members, friends, and supporters, Happy Lunar New Year! We warmly invite you to attend our annual fundraiser banquet on Sunday, February 26th from 6 pm to 10 pm at Villa Ragusa in the city of Campbell. This is our biggest annual event of each term in which we contribute back to our community and raise funds to help […]

舉辦2023年第一次的 月會暨農曆春節餐會。 這次的月會邀請大家來享用各式美味年菜如吊燒全雞,石斑全魚及龍蝦等。 並邀請到AMELIORAGE創辦人,也是我們第二十八屆會長張啟偉 來告訴我們冬天要怎麼保養與照顧我們的皮膚。 當屆會長蕭柏楊醫師並會為大家講解如何 改善COVID-19所造成的注意力和認知減退-腦霧的間題。 這次的餐會還有抽獎活動。 座位有限,敬請大家踴躍參加!購票請點下面的連結: 會員票價 $45, https://square.link/u/WTI2nOOj 非會員 $50 https://square.link/u/F1AuR9gQ

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