taefoundation.org - Transformación Arte y Educación

Description: Transformación, arte y educación (TAE) nace como una organización que diseña e implementa programas para el desarrollo integral de la persona, con un enfoque de innovación social.

arte (5512) educación (1496) creatividad (557) innovación social (18) conservación de la naturaleza (4)

Example domain paragraphs

TAE Foundation is a non-profit organization focused on cultural evolution through the integration of art and nature for social development, founded by Claudia Madrazo in 2010. TAE looks to dissolve boundaries between thoughts and disciplines and offers a multidisciplinary co-creative thinking platform to address critical issues of our time. TAE is formed by artists, educators and professionals committed to supporting education and human transformation through art. TAE is made up of the following divisions:

How are you transforming education? How do you explore the boundaries of art? How can we generate social transformation?

© 2022 TAE Foundation. All rights reserved.

Links to taefoundation.org (1)