takayukikawamoto.com - KAWAMOTO Takayuki

Description: A website for personal details of KAWAMOTO Takayuki.

science (6315) philosophy (1759) takayuki (9) kawamoto (5) かわもと (4) 河本孝之 (3) たかゆき (3) kawamoto takayuki (1) 河本 (1) 孝之 (1)

Example domain paragraphs

KAWAMOTO Takayuki * (河本孝之) is a philosopher of science, and chief privacy officer at Japanese private company.

(*) Japanese names are arranged and written in an order of “family name, given name.” So my family name is Kawamoto, and my given name is Takayuki. A majuscule in this website is not an official style to put a family name of Japanese person. It is just for an emphasis to let you know which is my family name.

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