takeaboughproductions.com - Treemonisha Home Page

Description: The final concert of the current series will be presented on Sunday, June 7, 1998 at the Thomaston Baptist Church, Main Street Thomaston, Maine, at 3:00 pm.

maine (2591) opera (2188) ragtime (119) scott joplin (6) treemonisha (2) a real slow drag (1) judith kurtz (1) judith kurtz bogdanove (1) aaron robinson (1) take a bough productions (1)

Example domain paragraphs

"Do not play this piece fast. It is never right to play Ragtime fast."

The song is "A Real Slow Drag" from TREEMONISHA . It requires a midi compatible plug-in, such as LiveAudio.

In the March 5, 1908 issue of the New York Age, an article in the theater section appeared, titled "Composer of Ragtime Now Writing Opera." The composer was the King of Ragtime himself, Scott Joplin, and the opera was to be his crowning achievement and masterwork, TREEMONISHA (libretto).