takeoffpartners.com - Takeoff Partners - Internationalizing B2B software and services - Takeoff Partners

Description: Takeoff Partners are experienced growth advisors and private investors.

software (35447) services (28377) startup (4423) global (4210) b2b (3832) startups (2812) venture capital (1420) internationalization (89) private investors (36) born global (2)

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Takeoff Partners are experienced business advisors focusing on growth-oriented SaaS and B2B service companies. Growth advisory and international business consulting are at the heart of our services, yet we also invest selectively in some of our client companies. 

As entrepreneurs ourselves , we have built businesses from the ground up into global leaders in their fields. We have also routinely worked with Fortune 500 companies as customers.

We have in-depth knowledge of the growth financing landscape , and have helped our clients complete a number of successful financing rounds with various types of investors.