tallmadge1989.com - Tallmadge High School Class Of 1989, Tallmadge, OH

Description: This is the official web site for the Tallmadge High School Class Of 1989

oh (2447) class of 1989 (28) tallmadge (22) tallmadge high school (4) kristin hilke cargill (1)

Example domain paragraphs

•   Ronald Shimko   4/25 •   Jonathan Bushnell   4/1 •   Theresa Box (Muncy)   12/13 •   Wendy Strott   8/8 •   Brenda Klemmensen (Lillge)   7/30 •   Gary Eddy   7/17 •   Erich Leipold   7/16 •   Shawn Sibit   7/8 •   Patrick Ciancio   5/12 •   Shelly Poff (Williams)   5/12 •   Patrick Hederson   5/11 •   Joy Stiffler (Shanafelt)   4/26 •   Jennifer Calvin (Trickett)   4/16 •   William Underwood   4/13 •   James Mitchell   4/10 •   Joni Justice (Peters)   4/10 •   Mark Murdocco   4/9 •   Jacqueline Calvares

Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Percentage of Joined Classmates: 66.4% A:   150   Joined B:   76   Not Joined (totals do not include deceased)