tanfieldpc.co.uk - Tanfield Parish Council: Encompassing West Tanfield, Thornborough and Nosterfield

Description: WJP Software Limited

parish council (124) wjp software limited (7) north yorkshire villages (3) thornborough (3) hambleton district (2) west tanfield (1) nosterfield (1)

Example domain paragraphs

The Parish Council welcomes you to its website and hopes that you find the information that you are looking for. It is working to fulfil the requirements of the new  Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities  which came in to force on 1st April 2015. This means that lots more information about the work of the Council will be routinely uploaded to this site.

You can navigate around the site using the links above.

Information about meetings, such as agendas, correspondence lists, financial information and background reports will be published at least three days prior to each meeting. 

Links to tanfieldpc.co.uk (1)