tanyareyeshumandesign.com - Tanya Reyes Human Design

Description: Tanya's human design readings will give you a deeper understanding of yourself, and with actionable steps to start living in more flow and alignment.

human design (152)

Example domain paragraphs

I’m so excited you are interested in learning more about Human Design! Finding out about my design was an absolute game changer for me. For the  first time in my life I was really able to understand why I am the way I am and I found the clarity I needed to re-align with my authentic self! Exploring my chart has helped me get to know the parts of myself that are truly me, and identify where I am operating from conditioning, expectations, and projections from the world around me.  

What I love about Human Design is that it’s so universal! It’s not asking us to believe in anything. It just is.  The system speaks for itself. It is here for us to experiment with. I strongly encourage you to only apply what feels really good for you and leave the rest behind. What really  sets HD apart from other modalities out there is how useful it is! Learning about our design gives us access to the operating manual for our energy. It lays out actionable steps, tools, and strategies we can use everyday

If you feel like you’re constantly hitting a wall in trying to pursue your goals, or maybe you’ve accomplished so much, but are exhausted from the grind of it all, you may be living out of alignment and going against the grain of your design.