taogoddd.github.io - Yitao Liu

Description: A simple, whitespace theme for academics. Based on [*folio](https://github.com/bogoli/-folio) design.

jekyll (1554) portfolio-website (1306) academic-website (1024) jekyll-theme (936)

Example domain paragraphs

I am a third-year undergraduate at the University of Hong Kong, currently working as a research assistant in HKU NLP group guided by Dr. Tao Yu . My main research interest is in natural language processing and reinforcement learning. More specifically, the goal of my research is to build an intellegent language agent that can interacts with various environments effectively and efficiently.

I am a third-year undergraduate at the University of Hong Kong. I previously worked as a research assistant in HKU NLP group guided by Dr. Tao Yu . I am now in Princeton University as an exchange student in 2024 spring and working with Dr. Narasimhan in Princeton NLP Group . My main research interest is in natural language processing and reinforcement learning. More specifically, the goal of my research is to build an intellegent language agent that can interacts with various environments effectively and ef

I am a third-year undergraduate at the University of Hong Kong. I am now working with Karthik Narasimhan in Princeton NLP Group focusing on language agents. Previously, I worked as a research assistant in HKU NLP group guided by Tao Yu . My main research interest is in natural language processing and reinforcement learning. More specifically, the goal of my research is to build an intellegent language agent that can interacts with various environments effectively and efficiently. Feel free to reach out to m

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