taraminerals.co.in - Tara Minerals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., Manufacturer and exporter of lime in Rajasthan, Manufacturer and supplier of lime in Rajast

Description: Tara Minerals & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., a company, for over two decades has provided the nation’s industries with high calcium lime products. Utilizing one of the highest purity limestone reserves available, TMCPL has become the most diversified producer of high calcium lime in India with production facilities in Khimsar, Bhawanda, Manakpur, Borunda & Gotan in Jodhpur district of Rajasthan. With a commitment to research and development, Tara Minerals is setting itself up to ensure that it can continue its expo

lime (218) cao (166) quick lime (7) building lime (1) fat lime (1) chemical lime (1) fluxing lime (1) hard burnt lime (1) soft burnt lime (1) pebble lime (1)