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TS Desert Demon Bey- customized Hu ckleberry Bey
The first Breyer of Tardis Stables was a 1962 issue Family Arabian Mare named T'Pal, but the hobby remained in the future for her, and my then 5 year old self. I bought a few models in 1978, but never discovered the young blooming hobby even then. I just fulfilled that old need to collect critters, and a new job allowed me to buy the big expensive horses to add to my critter collection.
I discovered the hobby back in 1986, when I found the model horse world that lurks behind the covers of JAH. That first issue in 1986, which I receieved a mere week after moving to our new home, astonished me and drew me into the vortex known as model horse collecting and showing. This fascination gave birth to Tardis Stables.