tarik-music.com - Tarikspace – Tarik Abouzied

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What does the typical professional musician earn in streaming royalties? Does spending a ton of money on mixing and mastering boost the likelihood of popularity on streaming platforms? What about music videos, social media ads, and publicists? What separates the talented-and-popular from the talented-and-obscure on these platforms?

To explore these … Continue Reading ›› Research Spotify Streaming Blog , Writing Platforms: A Stream Pays Artists a Third of a Penny December 31, 2020 Tarik The charts below represent information gleaned from 2.4 million streams across 29 different platforms from 40 artists/groups. For more on the background and data set, go here .

What's immediately clear is that Spotify dominates the field, capturing 71% of the … Continue Reading ›› Apple Music Research Royalties Spotify Streaming Blog , Writing Streaming Research: The Background and Data December 31, 2020 Tarik Discussions about the music business almost always devolve into anecdotes and opinions, and I think it's fair to say that most musicians make their moves based on some combination of conventional wisdom, gut feeling, impulse, and the stand-out successes and failures experien