health (21345) healthcare (6262) help (5708) foundation (3275) poverty (563) edible (109) non-profit organizations (90) tariq farid (2) asma farid (2) edible franchise (2)
Bringing light to those who have been through the dark, or, are living in it, is an excellent way to be content
Let us work together to eradicate poverty and helplessness to ensure it isn't a curse anymore
We are honored to support GiveLight Foundation's higher education fund for orphans all over the world this year! This incredible organization is on a mission to build and sustain beautiful homes and provide orphaned children with long term, high quality education. They strive to recreate a loving family, a sense of belonging and strong identity/self esteem. They do this by making sure their staff on the ground has the highest moral standard and share their love and passion for the cause! read more We are de