tastrader.com - Welcome to TAS Trader: Covering TAS services

Description: TAS Trader, from Peter DeHaan Publishing Inc, focuses exclusively on the needs, concerns, and opportunities of the Telephone Answering Service (TAS) Industry.

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TAS Trader focuses exclusively on the needs, concerns, and opportunities of the Telephone Answering Service (TAS) Industry. It is written by the TAS Industry and is for the TAS Industry. TAS Trader provides a place where telephone answering service owners, managers, and leaders can come to buy and sell products and services, to learn new ideas and information about the industry, and to succeed at what they do.

TAS Trader is an electronic publication published by Peter DeHaan Publishing Inc and Peter Lyle DeHaan . It is available at no charge and electronically distributed to those in the industry, with the help of our sponsors, including:

View our most recent issue (and then scroll down to read past issues). See  news , upcoming events , and classified ads . Subscribe to receive future issues via email.

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