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Description: Grupo Tattersall

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Empresas Tattersall S.A, is a Private Company that was incorporated by public deed on September 26, 1913 The legal address of the Company is Santiago, Avenida Isidora Goyenechea 3,600 5th floor. Its Chilean Tax ID is 90.035.000-7

Since its foundation in 1913, Sociedad El Tattersall was linked to the country's agricultural sector, actively participating in the intermediation of livestock, commercialization of inputs and agricultural machinery and agricultural auctions; In all these activities and particularly in the intermediation of livestock, it has stood out for its recognized leadership that it maintains until now.

Starting in the late 1980s, Sociedad El Tattersall incorporated new businesses into its investment portfolio, venturing into different sectors of the economy and particularly the industrial sector, always with services related to its experience, including the commercialization of vehicles. , machinery and equipment for industrial use both in the form of auctions and direct sales, additionally, it participates in brokerage, auctions and administration of agricultural and commercial properties.

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