- Vegan Tattoo Aftercare Australia

Description: Chemical free, all natural, vegan friendly, handmade tattoo aftercare! No fragrance, no nasties. Soothing, healing; amazing!

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We’re almost ready to launch our brand new formula… and we think it’s even better than before! We’ve been unable to source Macadamia Wax - a key ingredient in our balm - any longer, which meant we had to find a replacement for that ingredient. Sigh. Not as easy as we thought it would be! So many things we tried just weren’t giving us the end result we were used to. So we went back to the drawing board and we are now (hopefully!!) in the final days of product testing. (Edit: just wasn’t up to our standards!)

"Having  tattooed for well over 20 years , I have always searched for the best products to use on my clients.  Tattoo Balm is one of the best things I have come across  to not only make the  tattoo process better , but to aid in my clients'  skin healing.

Being  all natural , it is by far a  better and safer alternative  to traditional vaseline and petroleum jelly... check it out and you'll see for yourself what I mean."