- Tax Accountants UK | Tax Advisors | Tax Consultants | Tax Advice | Tax Planning

Description: Tax Partners is a firm of qualified Tax Accountants, Tax Advisors and Tax Consultants offering Tax Advice, and Tax Planning services for small and medium sized businesses.

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Tax accountants and advisors We are tax accountants and tax advisors and a firm of specialist business advisors. Our clients include self-employed businesses and private clients to smaller and medium sized businesses based within and outside the UK. We believe in providing practical advice, and compliance support in all areas of taxation, company laws and accounting to businesses of varying sizes predominantly small and medium sized ones.

Tax Advice With many UK-based small and medium sized businesses going global there is a growing need for expert advice from an international perspective. Whether it is about locating and structuring your overseas business. VAT-implications on selling to an EU or non-EU customer, tax treatment of dividends received from an offshore subsidiary, or just about the UK tax implications of inter-business transactions, there is a great deal of advice and support needed.

Conversely, overseas businesses are also flocking to the UK to locate their holding companies here. This is indeed an attractive structure particularly given the lower corporation tax rates and reforms introduced to the controlled foreign company rules.