- RPBA Sociedade de Advogados

Description: A RPBA é uma sociedade especializada no direito fiscal com advogados que desenvolvem consultoria, parecerística, legística, estruturação e contencioso fiscais, quer numa perspectiva nacional, quer internacional, com um enfoque nos impostos sobre o rendimento e sobre o imobiliário.

ricardo da palma borges; rpba; advogado fiscal; direito fiscal; (2) tax law firm portugal; tax lawyer portugal; non habitual tax res

Example domain paragraphs

RPB A is a Portuguese tax law boutique firm , paying attention to every detail and willing to unravel the most intricate tax challenges.

RPB A  believes that needs in this field are better served by a  small pool of young, dynamic and talented individuals  than by a vast number of average consultants. 

RPB A   emphasizes  tailor-made and partner supervised services  to carefully selected Clients, who enjoy personalized attention, undivided dedication and full availability.