tbdcatalog.com - TBD Catalog

Description: The design fiction product catalog of the near future’s normal ordinary everyday

catalog (1133) design fiction (14) near future (8)

Example domain paragraphs

Imagine a print distribution network with cloud-connected street vending/printer boxes. Overnight, algorithms API-shazam content for those boxes to print. Printed stuff piles up every night in those boxes, including cheap copies of a location-specific, regionally tuned catalog selling stuff for your normal, ordinary everyday life. This is TBD Catalog. It's an awkward attempt by an awkward business to attract more eyeballs and sell more stuff in a near future where the screen world has become so saturated an

Its design fiction content is a bit new and weird. It portrays a different kind of future than you might have been used to. This is not your near future of superlative Silicon Valley exuberance where you happily 3D-print a perfect set of lease-licensed Opinel steak knives or blissfully commute to work in your fascistically sleek Google-powered, chem-battery fueled autonomous vehicles. Nor is this the abysmal near future where you huddle in the smoldering foxholes of apocalyptic ruin. TBD Catalog runs throug

TBD Catalog shows us a world full of the end results of the work by a few Silicon Valley fellers who have ideas about fantastic new cloud-connected, wrist-controlled, multi-stack, API-rich, on-demand whatevers. TBD Catalog implies these worlds in their most normal, ordinary everyday form. Better than a CAD render or exuberant Kickstarter video, TBD Catalog tells the stories about these worlds complete with self-driving nanny cars, Panda Jerky, compute-intensive garden hoses, Internet-connected bathroom door

Links to tbdcatalog.com (1)