tbsai.com - Tampa Bay Scientific Associates | Dedicated to Advancing Clinical Research & Scientific Investigation

Description: Tampa Bay Scientific Associates is dedicated to advancing clinical research and scientific investigation in the areas of cancer treatment and clinical pharmacology.

clinical research (298) cancer treatment (258) cancer research (213) clinical pharmacology (20) dr. gerald sokol (2) cancer clinical research (2) scientific investigation (2) cancer scientific investigation (2) advancing treatment of skin cancer (2)

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Recognized internationally for his work on advancing the treatment of skin cancer, Dr. Gerald Sokol is board certified in both medical oncology and radiation oncology, as well as internal medicine, quality assurance and utilization review and clinical pharmacology. Dr. Sokol earned his medical degree at Indiana University and completed his internship and residency at Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia and the U.S. Public Health Servic

Dr. Sokol has served as a medical officer at the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration in Washington, DC, and is a captain in the United States Navy Reserve.

Indiana University – Bloomington, IN

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