- the company with the golden arm

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The members of Miss Rayon live in Portland, Oregon, but the sounds they make come from somewhere else. Maps are gonna be pretty much useless if you endeavor to find the source of the trio’s squirrely, sidewinding racket, but you might try searching somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic, at the very bottom of a pitch-black pocket of the ocean where New York no wave and UK post-punk meet and mate and make very strange babies.

Eric Sabatino, who started Miss Rayon as a solo songwriting project, will cop to the provenance of his band’s sound: he says Sonic Youth, Magazine and Siousxie and the Banshees were very much on his mind when he recorded Miss Rayon’s three-song demo, which features vocal contributions from Tender Age’s Elaina Tardif. You can hear those influences echoing through the recording, but even on these first dispatches from Miss Rayon’s dark territory, there is something weird and new happening. It’s a dance party

Soon after recording Miss Rayon’s demo, Sabatino ditched the solo routine to team up with bassist Jenny Logan and drummer Hannah Blilie. Logan plays in Deathlist, Summer Cannibals and Sunbathe, while Blilie is best known for her work with The Gossip. It probably doesn’t need to be said, but let’s say it: this might be Portland’s premiere rhythm section. As good as Sabatino’s aforementioned demo recordings are, they’re mere blueprints for the newly minted trio’s future monuments.

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