Description: TDDBuddy is an open-source project that provides a wealth of resources and expert insights into the practice of test-driven development. From naming conventions to best practices, TDDBuddy helps developers of all skill levels improve their TDD skills.
software development (7227) programming (6733) testing (2452) best practices (305) tdd (123) code quality (42) test-driven development (34) naming conventions (2)
A common perception in the software development industry is that learning TDD is mainly about Katas. It's believed to be about finding a perfect progression through a Kata, making a video of it, and posting it online to showcase programming skills. While Katas are critical for teaching the foundational elements of TDD, there are many other practices that contribute to a well-built and maintained test suite. One such practice is using meaningful names for tests in a BDD-style format of FunctionName_Whenxxx_S
One of our industry-driven insights is TDD Gears . TDD contains a Red-Green-Refactor cycle at its core, along with a collection of practices and principles. TDD Gears is a model that explains how it all fits together. There are three forward gears and one reverse gear in TDD, as sometimes you need to back up and try a different approach. The low gear is used to get started and build context, the medium gear is used to enhance design and apply advanced patterns, and the high gear is used to build functionali
To us, TDD is not just about design; it's about code correctness. We use science-based reasoning to understand how the limitations of the human condition impact one's ability to write clean and correct code. According to the IBM System Sciences Institute, fixing a bug in production is 100 times costlier than fixing it at design time. And applying the practice of TDD reduces production bug density by 40%-80%! Beyond the cost implications of not using TDD, there are cognitive implications that developers will