teacherinastrangeland.blog - Teacher in a strange land | Public Education. America's Best Idea.

Description: Public Education. America's Best Idea.

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I’m not much of a flag waver, really. I always thought that author James Baldwin captured my feelings precisely in  Notes of a Native Son  when he wrote:

I love America more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.

These days, perpetual criticism is essential. We are headed into dark times, I think, redefining the meaning of patriotism and sacrifice. It’s easy to lose faith in our government and the grand experiment—all men created equal—that founded this nation. It’s easy to let hope die when our rights have been systematically eroded by power-hungry politicians. When our children are not able to read certain books or study our actual national history, we’re in trouble.

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