teachpa.com - Predictive Analytics Book - The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die

Description: This rich, entertaining, bestselling, and award-winning introduction by former Columbia University professor and Predictive Analytics World founder Eric Siegel, which reveals the power and perils of predictive analytics, showing how predicting human behavior combats financial risk, fortifies healthcare, conquers spam, toughens crime-fighting and boosts sales.

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What professors should know about this book: Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die has served as a textbook at more than 30 colleges and universities (18+ as required reading). A former computer science professor at Columbia University, author Eric Siegel wrote this introduction to be conceptually complete. In the table of contents , the words in parentheses aside each chapter's "catchy" title reveal an outline that covers the fundamentals: 1) model deployment, 2) ethic

"A mesmerizing and fascinating study."

— The Seattle Post-Intelligencer

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