- [ Team Garcy ]

Description: Timeless Fansite - Team Garcy

timeless (171) timeless fansite (2) timeless nbc (2) timeless tv show (2) timeless garcy (1) garcy timeless (1) love garcia flynn day (1) garcy shipmas (1) summer of garcy (1) garcy summer (1)

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10 May 2023 Public Pay funds run out in December 2023: donate here (PayPal checkout, PayPal account not required) follow BattleshipGarcy on Tumblr to be alerted to site updates

NOTE: I will be transferring all of the general/non-Garcy Timeless information from this site to my upcoming The Timeless Fansite (which will be online on Thursday, 1 June 2023) . This is in preparation of making the content on Team Garcy only about Garcy, Garcia Flynn, and Lucy Preston.

This July 14th marks 5 years of the Team Garcy fansite being online, and to celebrate, I thought that it would be fun to have a Summer of Garcy during the month of July. You can check out the Fanfic BINGO! cards, fanworks prompts, The Best of Garcy Rewatch schedule, and graphics (more will be added leading up to July) on the Summer of Garcy page. Please do what you can to spread the word about the event ♥ Thank you.

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