- Spectrum Operations Monitoring | Espy, MPG

Description: Discovery, visualization and exploitation of RF spectrum. HF, VHF, UHF Integrated wideband recording capability. Real-time and post-facto analysis.

rf (455) high frequency (43) dut (34) analysis software (17) espy (14) signal conditioning (14) rf monitoring (6) ground systems (4) spectrum operations (3) teamsentinel (3)

Example domain paragraphs

Expands MPG’s capability in signal processing as demand intensifies for next-generation spectrum monitoring solutions

There Is No Substitute for Experience™

Espy's teamSENTINEL© family of wideband recording RF sensors is highly configurable to address a wide range of size, weight, power, cost, frequency and coverage requirements. Operators can now conduct signal searches when time permits, with Espy’s extreme recording of wideband digital RF. Signals can be retroactively played back as audio, analyzed to determine signal type, and geo-located on geolocation-enabled sensors.