- TEAM USA F3J | Official site of the 2024 US F3J Soaring Team

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The pilots selected to represent USA in 2022 are from L to R Skip Miller (Alternate), Neal Huffman, Josh Glaab, Jeff DuVal and Juniors Brayden Chamberlain, Noah Myers, Charleston Thomas.

Welcome to the official website of the 2022 USA F3J team. We hope that you will return here often to see how the preparation for our journey to Slovakia in August 2022 is developing. This Team was originally selected to represent the USA for the 2020 F3J World Championships but due to Covid 19 the contest has been postponed twice until August 2022. Along the way the Junior Team members Brayden Chamberlain and Noah Myers both became too old to compete as juniors and were replaced by Sean Summers and John Bra

As most of you know our national organization (the AMA) sponsors our FAI Teams but this valuable sponsorship only pays for a small portion of the costs to send a team to a World Championships. The last few years have seen a huge reduction in the funding of FAI Teams by our National body and as a result we must rely on you – our fellow sail-planers to help us with fundraising to make up for the extra costs that sending this very competitive team will incur.

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