- Technically Rural | Forays into Technology, Love, and Farming

Description: Forays into Technology, Love, and Farming

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A neat thing that Strava premium has is a personal heatmap . It can look something like this:

Garmin Connect does not seem to offer a personal heat map at all, only global heat maps. I want my own personal heat map for a number of reasons, but mostly because they’re cool. So… how do I go about that? First, looking for prior art I found this post: which was pretty encouraging that it was at least possible.

There are some notable differences from what I originally hoped for with this first pass. The start/end points are rendered as pins, and the “heat” aspect is purely GPS imprecision. Still, I’m thrilled – it’s super cool and I love it. I can also see everywhere I’ve traveled and recorded an activity as well.

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