- Technohol 13: Marvel Super Heroes RPG (Classic & Saga) Source Material

Description: Technohol 13 offers Marvel Super Heroes Role Playing Game (MSH RPG), Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Game (MSHAG) and 4C System materials!

engine (2758) case (1983) simulation (1583) super (773) marvel (597) heroes (330) rip (135) adventurer (83) costumed (5) technohol (1)

Example domain paragraphs

(posted on May 1st, 2023)

Hey there, and welcome to the twenty-sixth year of Technohol 13: the Atomic Drink!

I'm glad that all y'all have dropped in to check out the site, though admittedly I haven't made too much progress in my writing endeavors over the last few months. In the process of building a home out of a school bus, after all, and between working on and off to get enough money to afford systems and supplies and actually installing such, I haven't had time to keep up with work on the 13.

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