- TECHSPO Chicago 2024 · Technology Expo · May 22 - 4. 2023 (Internet ~ Mobile ~ AdTech ~ MarTech ~ SaaS)

Description: Where Business, Tech and Innovation Collide in Chicago! TECHSPO Chicago is an annual 2 day Technology Expo which showcases the next generation of technology & innovation, including; Internet, Mobile, AdTech, MarTech & SaaS Technology. See why people keep coming back year after year! Register and secure your pass today.

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Showcasing the next generation of technology & innovation; Internet , Mobile , AdTech , MarTech & SaaS Technology, Exhibitors have the opportunity to show off their companies to consumers, the highest caliber investors, hordes of press, the most sought after talent, and the greatest pool of tech enthusiasts looking to celebrate emerging products. Be prepared to be inspired, amazed and educated on how these evolving technologies will impact your business for greater growth.

As part of TECHSPO Chicago is a limited attendance paid event, DigiMarCon Midwest Digital Marketing, Media and Advertising Conference . If the conference is where the learning, theory and inspiration happens, then the TECHSPO floor is where the testing, networking and product interaction takes place. Attendance is limited, Register today!

TECHSPO Chicago 2024 will play host to some of the finest innovators, entrepreneurs, founders and business owners. Educators, students, investors, senior marketers and branders, digital executives and professionals, web & mobile application developers, strategists, designers and web project managers, business leaders, business developers, thought leaders and other professionals like you who operate in the broad technology industry from around the world will gather to attend TECHSPO Chicago Technology Expo.

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