- Tech's Web - Motorcyle Links

Description: Links to Motorcycle Related Sites, HD VIN Information and personal riding info.

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This site is for motorcycle riders and those that wish to be involved with motorcycle riders. This is a place to find some of the information you are looking for. If I don't have what you want, ask me, I might be able to point you in the right direction.

My name is Marty "Tech" Haugen and this is my web site. I have been scouring the web and beyond for motorcycle related products and content that may be of interest to the riding community. Please check out the Reference Info and other content that I have here. I have the most updated listing of Harley VIN Info on the Web and I will try to keep it that way. If you would like to see some other reference info , need something in particular, or just want to make small talk, click on the button below and send me