teemukumpulainen.com - Teemu Kumpulainen

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As a designer, my work is grounded in the usual suspects: Design Thinking, double diamond, service design methods, etc. But! I also have a tendency to read a lot, learn new things, and consequently add new flavors to my ways of working – naturally, depending on the nature of the project. Lately I’ve been intrigued by the emergent AI tech and its myriad possibilities in design work (who hasn’t, really?) and on the other hand, the role of human creativity in all this.

Whatever I’m working on, I strive for my solutions to be engaging, functional and user-friendly. I love to tackle even difficult problems and hone the deliverables down to the tiniest detail (considering common sense and budget restraints, of course). I believe good design is also born out of good communication, and that is something I emphasize in every project, especially in team environments.

I can jump into a new project with ease and get a grasp of things quickly, thanks to my long multi-domain experience. I prefer working in projects that involve concepts and strategy to some degree – but I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty in a dev team, either!