teetercreekherbs.com - Quality Herbs from the Ozarks Teeter Creek Herbs

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Teeter Creek Herbs provides herbal extracts made from the highest quality fresh herbs available, many grown on Teeter Creek Farm in the Ozark Hills of Missouri.

The great majority of our herbs are either organically grown or wildcrafted in the environs of our farm situated in a wild valley in the Ozark Mountains. Our herbs are hand harvested at the peak of potency and extracted fresh for the ultimate in quality control. Our high quality herbs are the finest anywhere. We are dedicated to the preservation of the natural environment where herbs grow and the cultivation of herbs that are quickly disappearing from the wild.

Teeter Creek Herbs is dedicated to producing the highest quality fresh herb extracts at a reasonable price. You can purchase single herb extracts, extract formulas, and books here using our secure, online ordering system.