tekumelcollecting.com - Tekumel Collecting | Collecting The World of the Petal Throne

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I recently succeeded in luring Michael Lung over to the house for a miniatures battle and discussion of Tékumel.  If you haven’t heard of Michael, he is one of the Kings of Tékumel miniatures; he owns thousands of figures, brilliantly painted, many that he designed and sculpted himself. He also happens to be a fantastically nice guy.

I have dreamed of fighting a battle like the Battle of the Temple of Chánis with my own painted Tékumel miniatures since I first received Empire of the Petal Throne as a gift as a teenager. This past Saturday, 40+ years later, for the first time, I achieved that goal. At my age, the journey to fulfill a youthful dream is often a hazardous pilgrimage that detours into disappointment. The session with Michael, however, exceeded my high expectations. He crafted a balanced, exciting scenario.  And he was a pati

The initial furor over the March revelations that the creator of Tékumel, M.A.R. Barker, wrote a vile anti-Semitic novel and served on the advisory committee of a journal dedicated to Holocaust denial, has passed. Fans of Tékumel are again posting pictures of their miniatures and other photos and comments related to the mythos on Facebook and the handful of other Tékumel fan sites. Victor Raymond, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Tékumel Foundation, announced on May 6 that he would be running three Em